[ ad, Moorgate station. Sorry for distant photo... felt like a bit of a pervy weirdo]
Ohhh it's just outrageous isn't it! Just when you thought that the 'v word' would never feature in any ad ever in the history of the world, there it is right in your face (i say) on your daily commute. There are a series of ads featuring slang words for one's... vajayjay... including frufru and bajingo, the words forming a V shape (more subtle that it sounds, actually!).
So what's it advertising, you may well ask? I initially assumed it must be some sort of government health campaign, as it wasn't too dissimilar to the STI awareness ads (they included a pic of a man in boxers with GONORRHOEA written where you'd expect 'Calvin Klein' to be), but intriguingly the link takes you to a new website created on behalf of Mooncup.
For the uninitiated, the 'Mooncup' is hailed as a ecological new form of female sanitary protection. Up to now, the only way the Mooncup ever seemed to promote itself, was through stickers on the back of toilet doors. They also usually featured a felt-tip scrawled EWWW SOUNDS GROSS (that's the censored version) over the top of them. The website mostly serves as a platform to the main Mooncup site, but it's worth a visit alone for the page 'tell us what you call yours'. In case you're wondering, here a few examples of what to call your / your lady's 'special place':::
My netherlands
Lady cave
Pik pik
Perlimpimpin le magicien
Penis flytrap
Lady star
Penny spender
Mossy cleft
Money slot
Peep peeps
Mu cha cha My thatcher Ms. tiggywinkle
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